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A Herbal Remedy : Solution for Obesity In America. |
Did You Know...
...that a traditional herbal remedy from the bark of an ancient tree not only reduces obesity, but also cuts your risk of type II diabetes and coronary heart disease?
Now, German scientists have confirmed that extracts of Tabebuia inhibit absorption of dietary fat, and might reduce obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.
The German study of Tabebuia was led by Dr. Nils Roos from the Max Rubner Institute. The study showed that a Tabebuia extract reduced blood triglycerides (a harmful byproduct of fat breakdown) in rats that had been fed a fatty meal.
"This result shows the extract may have a potential use in treating obesity," said Dr. Roos. "However, as coronary heart disease and diabetes have also been shown to be associated with higher triglyceride levels after eating, we believe a food-supplement based on Tabebuia could reduce the incidence of these diseases, as well."
The "Mother Tree" of Traditional Remedies for Strength and Vigor
Herbal remedies drawn from Tabebuia are known by various names including Pau d'arco, lepacho, and pink ipê, among others, and contain naturally occurring and powerful phytochemicals including lapachol (a therapeutic, healing, naphthoquinone).
Throughout the Amazon, Tabebuia extracts have been used to treat conditions such as...
In Europe and the United States, Tabebuia-based supplements are most commonly known as Pau d'arco, and are used in herbal medicine to treat...
What About Reports that Pau D'Arco Does Not Work? Quality Matters!
In the book The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs, Leslie Taylor warns consumers of shockingly deceptive practices with regard to production of this particular supplement. The best-recognized active substances in Tabebuia, lapachol and quinoids, are both woefully lacking in many or even most commercially available Pau d'arco supplements.
Leslie Taylor writes: Most of the commercially available products ... contain the inner and outer bark of the tree—which is stripped off at sawmills when the heartwood is milled into lumber for construction materials. Additionally ... varying species of Pau d'arco bark [are] being sold as herbal products—[with] diminished quality. Finally, many consumers and practitioners are unaware that, for the best results when extracting these particular active chemicals (even after obtaining the correct species), the bark and/or wood must be boiled at least 8 - 10 minutes—rather than brewed as a simple tea or infusion (lapachol and the other quinoids are not very water soluble). It is therefore not surprising that consumers and practitioners are experiencing spotty results with commercially available Pau d'arco products. |
Choosing a Genuine and Potent Supplement
Taylor advises consumers to "find a reliable source for this important medicinal plant from the rainforest" and to look for "standardized extracts of Pau d'arco" that guarantee the amount of lapachol and/or quinoids.
Although this tree's natural wood and bark are quite effective when the correct species is used and prepared properly, Taylor says that "the new standardized extracts may be the safer (although more expensive)" for those without the time and specialized knowledge to research safe, reputable suppliers of wood and bark.
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To find a solution for the obesity crisis in America,all possible avenues must be explored.The herb Pau d' arco is just one of the herbs that might help in the fight against obesity in America.The sad news is there is no quick fix.This will only aid in weightloss .The truth is the obese person will have to take a multi -discipline approach to overcome obesity.The right mindset comes to mind( no pun intended). Think thin , so to speak .For example look to where you want to go , not where you come from.The best advice I can give the obese person is to make small changes ,and keep on making them every day!Tony Robbins is the expert in making leaps of change.Watch this inspiring video now:
My name Kamren Hamrick from Atlanta, Georgia,United States ...Parkinson disease has been ongoing in my family for long..I lost both parents to Parkinson and it is so much pain have not been able to get over. As we all know medically,there is no solution or cure for Parkinson disease and the cost for Medication is very expensive..Someone introduced me to a herbal doctor(Native Medical Practitioner)in GA..I showed the man all my Tests and Results and i told him i have already diagnosed with Parkinson disease and i have spent thousands of dollars on medication..I said i will like to try him cos someone introduced me to him..He asked me sorts of questions and i answered him correctly..To cut the story short,He gave me some medicinal herbs and he instructed me on how to apply theml..At first i was skeptical but i just gave it a try..I was on his Medication for 2 weeks and i used the herbs according to his prescription..i decided to visit my doctor for another test..Honestly speaking, i never believe all he was saying until after the test when my doctor mention the statement that am Parkinson disease negative and my doctor was shocked as well....If you are out there suffering from this deadly disease you can also contact him via email: drlusandaherbal@gmail.com or website on www.drlusandaherbal.weebly.com thanks