Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Cure for Obesity:Turn Off The TV And Start Walking.

 I walking briskly for an hour a day, could cure obesity wouldn't you give it a go?If you are in any way genetically predisposed to develop obesity, this is the "quick". fix An hour per day might not seem like very "Quick" to you ,but on the other hand, would you rather be obese in ten years time?Just walking for an hour per day will cut your tendency to become obese in half !Personally I do not think that it is the only cure for obesity,the cure for obesity starts when you make a decision to stop doing the things that has caused the problem in the first place.The loss of a loved one ,depression ,feeling inadequate,feeling helpless,etc etc.Identify what  the trigger was that started you on the path to obesity.Start working on that and-- hit the road!

A Cure For Obesity: Walk!

Turn Off the TV and Start Walking

Genetic tendency toward obesity significantly reduced with brisk walking

"Some people are at higher risk of obesity because those are the genes they were dealt. But walking instead of watching TV can cut their risk of obesity in half.
Though it may seem obvious that exercising instead of couch potato lounging would ward off obesity, a recent study reveals that swapping one habit for another can even alter the extent to which your genetics have a say over whether you become obese.
Walk briskly for an hour each day to ward off obesity.
Lead author Qibin Qi, Ph.D., a post doctorate research fellow in the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health, and colleagues conducted a large study of men and women from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study and Nurses' Health Study, respectively.
They gathered information regarding the 4,564 men's and 7,740 women's TV watching and exercise habits for two years before each person's body mass index was measured. The body mass index is the ratio of a person's weight to their height; 30 or greater indicated obesity.
Then the researchers gathered data on the genetic predisposition of the men and women to become obese based on 32 established factors. They assigned values per amount of BMI to each factor to determine the extent to which a person's genes contributed to their BMI.
Those with high levels of exercise were 53 percent less likely to show BMI increases related to their genetic factors, and those who watched TV 40 hours a week were four times more likely to show BMI increases from their genetics than those who watched only an hour or less of TV each week.
"In our study, a brisk one-hour daily walk reduced the genetic influence towards obesity, measured by differences in BMI by half," Qi said. "On the other hand, a sedentary lifestyle marked by watching television four hours a day increased the genetic influence by 50 percent."
Because the general public cannot yet get their genome tested for a predisposition toward obesity, Qi suggested that patients' family histories may provide clues to a person's likelihood of becoming obese.
There is still little known about the genetic tendency toward obesity, according to Qi, so more research is necessary to understand how they influence a person's weight.
What is clear, is that brisk walking will reduce the likelihood that a person will become obese, and camping out in front of the television will only increase that likelihood.
The study was presented at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2012 Scientific Sessions."

Whether you are predisposed to obesity, it seems, is not a cut and dried fact .Fact is ,walking for one hour per day ,is a small price to pay in finding a cure for obesity.

Friday, March 16, 2012

What Are The Causes Of Obesity?

To find a cure for obesity we must know: What are the causes of obesity ? .What causes the love affair with food? How do obese people stop binge eating?What good or bad experiences do we associate with food?If we know the causes  of obesity we can also find a cure. I found this well researched article in my inbox.The writer explores all the emotions involved in binge eating and also suggests how to change negative thought patterns that you might be stuck in.Read it and see if you can see yourself in any of the scenarios the writer creates.

 Breaking Free Of The Binge Eating Cycle - By Rebecca

"We develop patterns of behavior early in life. We start associating certain events with certain behaviors. One such pattern is our behavior with food. Being fed by our parents when we were young may come to represent being cared for or being loved. On the other hand, not being fed when we were hungry may have produced a deep insecurity about whether there would be enough food in the future.
Food can also serve as a distraction. For instance, we may have been told at the doctor's office that if we didn't cry when we got a shot, we would be rewarded with a lollypop. Therefore, we focused on getting the lollypop instead of feeling the fear or pain of the needle. We effectively blocked the pain and focused on the reward, the sugar. Is it any wonder that later in life when we experience pain, emotional or physical, that we think a candy bar will make us feel better?
We may associate happy occasions, holidays, and celebrations with food. We then look to food to recapture the feelings of togetherness, love, and joy that we felt on those special occasions. We may have been told we can have dessert if we are good or if we eat everything on our plate. Thus, dessert became a reward, an acknowledgement of success. We trudge through a hard day at work knowing a reward awaits us at the end of the day.
We can also use food to procrastinate; to avoid some action or responsibility that needs to be taken care of or just to get through the mundane, boring tasks of daily life. We may even recognize that food has become our best friend and our source of comfort. But inside, we feel like we have an empty hole inside us, and no amount of food seems to make us feel whole and complete.
We pick up so many associations between food and behavior early in life. Some are life enhancing, and some have become subconscious, core beliefs that interfere with our life today. We may be using food to cope with the stress in our lives. But, in time, our destructive eating behavior actually makes the stress worse. We find that we have less time and less energy.
Because we automatically use food, we cannot discover what is truly disturbing us. If we are not conscious of these associations, the first step in changing them is awareness. We can't change something if we are not even aware of it.
What Is Disordered Eating?
People with disordered eating have developed the habit of relying on food to cope with life situations. They use food as a means to displace or "stuff down" uncomfortable feelings or thoughts. They may use food to avoid some part of life by grazing or eating all day. This is called compulsive overeating. Some may binge, eating large amounts of food in a short time. Binge eating usually starts in response to a diet. Others may restrict their food intake with a rigid diet until they become so malnourished that they cannot think clearly or function physically, and until their long-term health, or even their life itself, is endangered. This is anorexia. Still others may overeat, and then get rid of the food. This is bulimia.
Disordered eating is not just about food. The primary thing that keeps a person trapped in the illness is FEAR: fear of getting fat, fear of rejection, fear of being found out, fear of abandonment, fear of being controlled, or fear of feeling. By concentrating on the illness, weight, diet, or body image, one can avoid the fear and numb the feelings.
A mental obsession with food, weight, diet, or body image has profound effects on our self-esteem, relationships, finances, daily activities, and quality of life. People often become depressed or anxious because of their eating patterns.
The Cycle
At the beginning of our eating disorder, we successfully managed to block out troubling feelings by occupying our mind with thoughts of food or thinness. The problem with this is that as our feelings get stuffed down over and over again, the internal pressure builds. We don't exercise other methods of coping, and soon food becomes our only coping mechanism. We become hard-wired to turn to our disorder whenever a feeling comes up.
After a while we have no room for any more feelings. We may find ourselves reacting to everything around us by turning to food. We don't acknowledge our pain, so we don't do anything to alleviate our growing desperation. We think food is the problem, when in fact, we have substituted food for a deeper problem--and it's just not working anymore. We find ourselves trapped in a cycle with no way to break free.

Breaking the Cycle
In recovery it is important to realize that we have done the best we could up to this point. Negative self-criticism about previous actions only perpetuates the cycle. The solution is to recognize that there is a relationship between our emotions and our eating behaviors. Destructive eating behaviors are just a symptom of the problem, not its root cause.
To get down to the root cause, we need to identify why we are turning to food or to an obsessive restriction of food. Then we can take action to deal with this underlying cause. You can break the cycle at any point--and the cycle does break. All you need to start recovering is the willingness to change, to open your mind to a different approach.
Our thoughts are the first link to our actions. If we want to reach out our hand, our mind has to tell our arm to move. So we must identify the thoughts that trigger the unwanted act of eating when we are not physically hungry or denying ourselves food when we are hungry. Armed with this knowledge, we can find suitable substitutes. Starting with small steps, through the use of repetition, we can form new habits.
So GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK! You have spent too much energy negatively criticizing yourself in the past. Why do you fail to acknowledge the many good things you accomplish in a day? It is time to start congratulating yourself for things well done!
At first, you may want to start out simple. Tell yourself, "Hey, nice job of brushing those teeth!" or "Wow, good driving!" on the way to work. Take moments throughout the day to congratulate yourself for things you do well.
In time, these repetitive affirmations will begin a new cycle of behavior. This practice of nurturing or "reparenting" yourself will help you become more attuned to your internal dialog and avoid those negative influences. You can work with yourself instead of against yourself. The body was designed to work in conjunction with your appetite by eating when you are hungry and stopping when you are full. You can get back in touch with this innate ability.
Focus on the intention to live your life with confidence and self-acceptance. Find things to appreciate and enjoy. Positive self-talk can break the cycle and free you from the need to use food as a substitute for living a full life."
** To comment on this article or read comments about this article, go here.

About the Author:
After years of experience helping clients recover from the effects of dieting, obesity, eating disorders, addictions, and disordered eating, Rebecca can share some facts that can restore our society to sanity regarding food, weight, and addiction.
Ms. Cooper is the Official Guide to Eating Disorders and has a Masters in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine University. She is a California licensed therapist, Certified Eating Disorder Specialist and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist.
She started the first transitional living residence for women recovering from eating disorders. She is the Founder and President of Rebecca's House Eating Disorder Treatment Programs™ located in Orange County, California, where she heads up a team of psychologists, therapists, registered dietitians, exercise physiologist, psychiatrist, and a medical doctor.
Rebecca is the author of the Diets Don't Work® Structured Program, a step-by-step program for disordered eating. This innovative program is successfully being used by recovery homes, therapists, and clients.
She is also CEO of 21st Century Wellness, Inc., and is President of the Orange County Chapter of the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals.
More information can be found at

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How To Fight Obesity ?

There is only one way to fight obesity, this is the opinion of this article writer. Education towards better choices concerning healthy food and more exercise .Her take on the matter is ,"Fight Obesity With Education." If obesity is the No2 cause of preventable deaths,why are we not "preventing"?How do we prevent obesity?By taking responsibility ,collectively as well as individually.Why should I become involved if I am not obese?As you may or may not know ,millions of tax payers dollars, are being used in the fight against obesity. It affects the health systems, making it more expensive for everyone.It even affects the military institutions.More sick leave for soldiers, not being able to do basic duties because soldiers are obese.I must say this sounds like a full scale crisis.Do not claim "innocent bystander" status. Do something!
Fight obesity with education.
  • Posted: March 13, 2012 at 1:00 pm   
I am a concerned student who is becoming more aware of the health problems that face our country. Obesity — having a BMI of 30 or higher for adults — is one that has startled me after learning many of issues that coincide with it.

For starters, obesity is the No. 2 cause of preventable deaths that occur in the United States. There are more than 60 million Americans above age 20 who fall into an obese weight range.
While some may find this unnerving and upsetting, I see it in a positive way. As stated above, obesity is preventable. With so many people suffering from it, we have a huge range who we can help. The more we can inform about this, the more we have a chance of helping.
Nutrition plays a large role in the way each person chooses to live. Proper nutrition is key in maintaining a healthy weight, and incorrect nutrition can be the downfall. There are a few simple things Americans can become more aware of which can aide in their healthy lifestyle goals.
To start, many people highly overestimate portion sizes. Another key component is knowing our levels of hunger and satiety. We need to listen to our bodies when they tell us that they are full. The same goes for hunger.
Exercising along with this helps our bodies to utilize the foods we are consuming and can help lead to a healthier lifestyle.
By taking the time to inform ourselves, we can greatly change the growing obesity epidemic and gain a healthier America. Watching our portion sizes, stopping when full and exercising are small steps that can lead to a huge change. Along with feeling better, it will help reduce the risks of many types of cancer, heart disease and stroke. We need to take control of our lives and make a change for a healthier America.
Fight Obesity.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Fighting Obesity: Start With The Children.

 A three day workshop that highlighted healthy eating,and some exercise ,was the  focus of " Kids in the Kitchen" .This is the right approach: Educate the children and we will have stemmed the tide of obesity.Children learn the best when it is fun .When it also tastes good the attitude towards healthy food may change."If we do nothing, nothing will change."Apart from the good food that they learned to make" Zumba " and some karate moves, were also part of the program.I can just imagine how they enjoyed it!

Fighting obesity:Start by educating the children.

Children follow recipe for fighting obesity

Event offers workshops focusing on nutrition|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

ENDICOTT — Children got a taste of Zumba, karate and some healthy foods Saturday at an event to highlight nutrition.
"The obesity rate in America right now is out of control," said Julia Deptula, chairman of Kids in the Kitchen, an initiative from the Junior League of Binghamton.
The event offered three workshops for children including a chance to make a healthy lunch, try out some karate moves and shake their bodies to Zumba.
UHS Hospitals Chef Manager John P. Obusek spent the morning preparing snacks for the few dozen children who showed up. A mixture of strawberries, kiwi, grapes, oranges and apples — known as March Madness Fruit Salad — was a big hit.
"Kids came up two or three times," Obusek said.
Donning fruit and vegetable costumes, Junior League volunteers made peanut butter and banana and grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches for hungry attendees. In the gym, kids giggled, moving their feet and flailing their arms to try to keep up with the Zumba instructor.
The main goal of the event was to provide information on nutrition and exercise to the children and their parents.
"We hope to change some things," Deptula said. "The way people eat. What they do all day."
Getting them to help with preparing a meal — which offered a host of ingredients — is something all children should learn to do. They should also gain knowledge of where food comes from and what foods are good for you, Deptula said.
"I think it's important to get children into the kitchen," she said.

"Knowledge is power"and empowering out youth to fight obesity,will bear fruit for generations to come.