Friday, March 23, 2012

Fighting Obesity By Changing Brain Chemistry.

Obese people are usually depressed.We thought that it was because of their weight problem.Now it seems to be not that simple.By eating the wrong foods we also bring the vital brain nutrients under threat.The brain does not get the necessary nutrients and rewards us with a state of depression.So not only do we get fat,we also become depressed. Eating  a diet of mainly fast food will result in obesity and depression.I found this very interesting article about the topic of brain nourishment to stop obesity.

Key to good health? A proper diet for the brain

March 23, 2012 by Meghan Berry in Health
"(Medical Xpress) -- When a psychiatrist sets out to write a diet book, he doesn’t have a slimmer waistline in mind. Drew Ramsey, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry and coauthor of The Happiness Diet (Rodale, 2011), believes good health and happiness are achieved when the brain is consistently fed all the nutrients it needs for optimal cognitive and emotional functioning.

The modern —or MAD, as Ramsey calls it—fails to nourish the brain. Heavily processed foods loaded with sugar and toxins have given rise not only to America’s obesity epidemic, but also an epidemic of depression, which Ramsey contends is even more dangerous. Studies show that obese people’s brains actually age faster than those of people at a normal weight, and excess weight has been linked to dementia.
“The Happiness Diet focuses on nutrition from the brain’s perspective with a primary goal of improved brain health,” said Ramsey, 37. “While weight loss happens on this diet, the main goal is brain growth.”
Ramsey and his coauthor, Tyler Graham, a journalist who specializes in health and fitness, based their diet on nutrients they deemed the “essential elements of happiness.” They include vitamin B12, used in the production of brain cells, as well as magnesium, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, said to improve memory, counter seasonal depression and promote strong neurons. Even cholesterol, which forms a crucial protective layer around the brain, gets a nod.
Ramsey, a practicing on the Upper West Side, always asks his patients what they eat. He believes this is the closest thing to primary prevention in psychiatry. When people eat too few calories, they can be depressed and irritable, so when patients are willing, he helps them overhaul their diet.
“Just eating kale and salmon won’t give you bliss, but by promoting stable, positive moods, better focus and concentration, and improved energy, people will engage in their lives in ways that promote feeling their best,” Ramsey said.
Today, an average person on MAD eats three pounds of sugar every week. In order to make the switch to the Happiness Diet of organic and whole foods, Ramsey said “carbage” and “bad mood foods”—primarily sugar-laden foods, industrial fats and factory-farmed meat—must be cut. He also urges readers to steer clear of artificially flavored foods and foods labeled “low fat” and “fat free.” When fats are extracted from foods, they’re usually replaced with refined sugars, which are less satisfying and have no nutritional value. “Basically, don’t eat stuff out of a package,” he said. "

As you can see" bad food leads to bad mood ". If we constantly feel unwell ,we will not make the right choices concerning healthy foods.We will rather go for a quick fix .That is where the downward spiral towards obesity starts.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Five Steps To Fight Childhood Obesity.

 To fight childhood obesity ,parents will have to get involved.The steps to be taken are really common sense.what parents do not know that setting a good example is where child hood discipline starts."Monkey see monkey do "or "don't tell me what to do, show me."Having only healthy food in the house and avoiding Mac Donald's and  the other  fast food industry leaders will be a good start in teaching children that a "quick meal "every day might be the beginning of a life time of childhood obesity.
Fight Childhood Obesity.

GIANINC Supports Michelle Obama’s Childhood Obesity Initiative, Offers Five Tips for Parents to Promote Healthy Lifestyles for Children

Dr. Hillel Mazansky urges parents to join the fight against the childhood obesity epidemic

Since Michelle Obama launched her Let’s Move! initiative to tackle America’s childhood obesity problem, Let’s Move! and the Childhood Obesity Task Force have estimated that one in three children living in America is overweight or obese. GIANINC founder Hillel Mazansky, a physician who specializes in guided imagery and nutrition, applauded Obama’s efforts, saying that the growing problem of childhood obesity has been neglected for too long. He now counsels parents and children in the San Diego area about obesity and offered five tips for those who are trying to keep their children healthy.
“The rate of childhood obesity has tripled in the last 30 years, and will continue to rise unless immediate, focused action is taken,” Mazansky stressed.
Mazansky was so impressed with Obama’s initiative that he sent her a YouTube video expressing his support and desire to help.
“This epidemic needs to be stopped,” Mazansky said. “Not only are these children at risk for other major diseases, but they suffer from psychological conditions as well. They are tormented by their classmates, and they cannot participate in sports activities due to physical limitations. This often leads to psychological problems and more compulsive eating.”
To treat children suffering from obesity, GIANINC uses a combination of nutrition and guided imagery, which is a medical hypnosis technique that involves visualization.
“We have to attack this epidemic from the brain, mouth and stomach,” said Mazansky. “GIANINC empowers these children to help themselves by providing them with a customized, nutritionally sound diet and performing guided imagery to get to the root of why these children are compulsively eating.”
According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, if one parent is obese, their children are 50 percent more likely to have a weight problem.
“This change needs to start in the home,” Mazansky said. “Parents have a large influence on their children. We all need to fight obesity together as a family.”
Mazansky offered five tips to parents to help promote a healthy lifestyle for their children:
1.    Remove the television from the house
2.    Set an example for children by eating healthy foods
3.    Limit time spent on video games and the computer
4.    Play outside with children
5.    Get children involved in sports and other activities outside of school
“If parents are willing to do these five things, you will see obesity rates start to dwindle,” said Mazansky. “We are all to blame for this epidemic; it is all of our responsibility to work together to fight it.”
For more information about GIANINC and childhood obesity visit"

The obesity crisis in America is spiraling out of control .Join hands with your children and fight childhood obesity by taking the 5 simple steps listed in the above article.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Fat Gene : Myth or Fact?

The discovery of a fat gene -- Many people won't be pleased! The people who said :" you are fat because you are lazy. "Researcher think they have found a mutant gene that leads to an unstoppable appetite.Carriers of this gene do not know when enough is enough,they just keep eating! Truth be told I do not even think the obese population will be pleased.They can now safely blame it on their genes.With that "see I told you so,I cannot change"attitude, the ball is safely in the hand of "my genes"!But all is not lost.I watched a program the other night of a teenager who turned from obese to thin .In his case he had a faulty mechanism in the hypothalamus.He would even eat out of trash cans to feed the never ending craving for food!His parents came to the rescue:They simply locked away all food.Now he is a normal person,with no extra weight.The only difference is ,all food is kept away from him!The Fat Gene making your life hell ?Get outside help and get it fast!

Fat Gene No Longer a Laughing Matter!

   'Fat gene' identified by scientists

Medical researchers have discovered a gene mutation stops people's brains from recognising when they are full

"Medical researchers have discovered a gene mutation stops people's brains from recognising when they are full A ‘fat gene’ has long been considered to be a myth and an excuse people use to explain obesity, but at long last scientists believe they have indentified one.
Researchers from Georgetown University Medical Center in America believe a mutation in a particular gene can result in gluttony and uncontrollable eating habits.
It is thought the affected gene stops certain signals being sent to the brain, which means it doesn’t recognise when the body is full.
There are now hopes the discovery will revolutionise treatments for obesity.
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After eating, insulin and leptin hormones are released which are supposed to trigger a satiety response in the brain.
However, the researchers are claiming a shortened version of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene prevents these hormones from reaching the brain.
As a result, people with the mutant BDNF gene never feel full or satisfied after a meal, prompting them to continue eating.
This theory was proved during an animal study which investigated the effects of both short and long versions of the gene.
In mice, those with the mutated short version of the gene ate up to 80 percent more food than those with the normal longer version.
Commenting on the findings, Baoji Xu, one of the study’s senior researchers, said: “This is the first time protein synthesis in dendrites, tree-like extensions of neurons, has been found to be critical for control of weight.”

“If there is a problem with the Bdnf gene, neurons can't talk to each other and the leptin and insulin signals are ineffective, and appetite is not modified.”
He added: “This discovery may open up novel strategies to help the brain control body weight.”
“We have opened the door to both new avenues in basic research and clinical therapies, which is very exciting.”"
The results of the study have been published in the journal Nature Medicine.
The Healthcare Global magazine is now available on the iPad. Click here to download it.