Saturday, February 11, 2012

Obesity: Christians Take Control Of Their Weight.

 An inspirational story is sometimes all we need to take action against obesity.Are Christians supposed to be obese? Should they not be able to show self control? A pastor has set the example for his congregation with excellent results.This is truly faith in action.Dr Oz is involved in this project and his input as well as the congregation's willingness to change, has resulted in the loss of 250,000 lbs among the 30,000 members!A cure for obesity was found in their willing co-operation. This project and the results just show :you CAN take control of your weight.Remember your life truly is in your hands.YOU can cure obesity!
Obesity:Take control of your weight

Rev. Alan Rudnick

Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Ballston Spa

Rick Warren’s purpose driven weight loss

"Rick Warren, a mega-church pastor and author of The Purpose Driven Life, latest weight loss ministry has raised questions about the purpose of a church.  Warren has lost 60 pounds under a new ministry called “The Daniel Plan“. The Daniel Plan is based on the story of Daniel only eating vegetables. The weight loss lifestyle ministry employs healthy eating, regular exercise, stress reduction, prayer and small groups meeting in church member’s homes.  Apparently, the ministry is effective.  The church claims to have lost over 250,000 pounds among its 30,000 members.
What sparked this ministry?  Warren explains his revelation to CNN:
On that particular day, I was baptizing 858 people… That took me literally four hours. As I’m baptizing 858 people, along around 500, I thought this … ‘We’re all fat. But I thought, I’m fat,” he said. “I’m a terrible model of this. I can’t expect our people to get in shape unless I do.
This weight loss ministry for Warren’s Saddleback Church is catching on.  Dr. Oz is now partnering with the church and is providing a fitness and diet plan.
Is Rick Warren’s latest announcement a gimmick for weight loss or is there something deeper going on?
Obesity is a big problem for America and no seems to be doing much about it. Yes, we post information about the food on packaging and at McDonald’s, but it is not enough. Christians talk about self-control when it comes to things like sex or other sins, but there is almost no conversation about how fat our churches have become. There is a dangerous connection lurking between obesity and Christians.  Perhaps the most damning evidence of obesity among American protestants is found in the book Thieves in the Temple by G. Jeffrey MacDonald:

An epidemic of overeating among Christians highlights a basic lack of self-control. Obesity has become rampant among American Protestants. Nearly one in five Methodists is obese, according to a 2006 Purdue University study. Among Baptists, it’s more than one in four. Meanwhile, fewer than one in 100 American Hindus, Jews, Muslims, and Buddhists are obese. Even when allowing for geographical considerations, the research found Protestants to be fatter than people of other religious backgrounds.
Another study from Northwestern University found that, “Young adults who frequently attend religious activities are 50 percent more likely to become obese by middle age as young adults with no religious involvement.” In 1998, researchers at Purdue found the percentage of obesity highest in states where religious affiliation was more prevalent: Michigan, Mississippi and Indiana were among the states with the highest percentage of overweight persons. There is a correlation.
Church and church life revolve around food.  We Christians talk about self-control, but never self-control with food. I was discussing this very issue with a fellow pastor, William Shiell on twitter.  He quipped, “@alanrud this is the level we have finally descended to– just a religious weight watchers.” But, is this really just a religious weight watchers that waters down what Christianity is supposed to be?
No and Yes.  No, we are not supposed to be a religious weight watchers that catches on to the latest trends or fads. However, based on the statistics above, how can we preach a message of self-control when we can’t even control how we over stuff our faces? Obesity kills and it drives up the cost of health care.  It’s preventable and leads to other life threatening conditions. Think how people could live longer and healthier lives!
Clearly, when God created us he created us to be good stewards of everything… even our bodies. If churches will not lead the charge on holistic health (mind, soul, and body), who will?  For those of us who need a purpose driven life, we may also need a purpose driven diet and exercise program."

A cure for obesity  is as simple as being willing to change .I have found that a big enough WHY?will provide a do-able HOW.Write down your WHY?  For example I want to travel more,I want to see the Taj Mahal.Be specific and describe your goal in detail.Ask yourself :If I know I Will succeed ,what will I do with a healthy body? Read and review your goals often.(Daily ).Make small changes Remember drops of rain make the oceans!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Are Obese Camps The Answer To A Better Ecomy?

 When two thirds of your country is either overweight or obese, it is time to start counting the cost.This is exactly what the next article does.Not only does obesity have many related physical health challenges,there are also mental repercussions.It is heart breaking to watch the participants of the TV show"Fat Doctor" say things like: "I am caught in this body",  "I have no friends", "I dare not go to the supermarket","I am so lonely". The list of heart aches go on. Imagine this is your child speaking!What are the chances of him/her ever fitting into society?I found these "obese camps" listed on the internet:

Are these obese camps worthwhile investigating?For sure!They have stunning results for all to see.
Please investigate the possibility of saving yourself or a beloved child from being an outcast for life.Think of where you( or someone else) can be next year.
Here are the shocking facts about obesity:

"Reducing average BMI by 5 percent could save $158B over 10 years

February 08, 2012 | Chris Anderson, Senior Editor

WASHINGTON – A new report on obesity by The Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) found that reducing the average body mass index (BMI) of U.S. citizens by five percent could produce ten-year savings of more than $158 billion in reduced obesity-related costs.
The report, “Bending the Obesity Cost Curve” showed that two-thirds of Americans are either obese or overweight and that obesity is directly related to more than 30 illnesses, notably Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and certain forms of cancer.
[See also: Treating morbidly obese patients adds considerable cost]"Prevention is the key to halting the obesity epidemic, lowering healthcare costs and creating a long-term path to a healthier and economically sound America," said Jeff Levi, PhD, executive director of TFAH, in a press release announcing the study findings.
The study found that if current trends continue in this country, nearly half of all men and women will be obese by 2030.
The study's estimates predict these rates of obesity could contribute to more than six million cases of Type 2 diabetes, five million cases of coronary heart disease and stroke and more than 400,000 cases of cancer in the next two decades. The combined medical costs associated with treating preventable obesity-related diseases are estimated to increase by $48-66 billion per year in the United States by 2030 and will also create a loss in economic productivity as high as $540 billion.
"The United States must address the obesity epidemic and provide communities – through the Prevention Fund and other programs – with the resources to change our sick care system to a true healthcare system that focuses on keeping people healthy in the first place and ensures today's children aren't at risk of living shorter, less healthy lives than their parents," added Levi.
Preventing obesity in the first place is the most effective way to reduce obesity-related healthcare spending and programs that seek to encourage a healthier, more active lifestyle are both effective and cost effective.
A 2008 study conducted by TFAH, the Urban Institute, the New York Academy of Medicine and The Prevention Institute found that an investment of $10 per person per year in proven community-based programs to increase physical activity, improve nutrition and prevent smoking and other tobacco use could save the country more than $16 billion annually within five years.
The study “Prevention for a Healthier America: Investments in Disease Prevention Yield Significant Savings, Stronger Communities” showed a return on investment of roughly $3.10 for every $1 spent on community based programs. Out of the $16 billion in projected savings, Medicare could save more than $5 billion, Medicaid could save more than $1.9 billion and private payers could save more than $9 billion."

A I said in the beginning: It is time to count the cost of obesity AND you cannot afford to NOT take action!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Is Having A Gastric Bypass The Same As Having A Face Lift?

"Complications of abdominal surgery

[edit] Infection

Infection of the incisions or of the inside of the abdomen (peritonitis, abscess) may occur due to release of bacteria from the bowel during the operation. Nosocomial infections, such as pneumonia, bladder or kidney infections, and sepsis (blood-borne infection) are also possible. Effective short-term use of antibiotics, diligent respiratory therapy, and encouragement of activity within a few hours after surgery can reduce the risks of infections.

[edit] Venous thromboembolism

Any injury, such as a surgical operation, causes the body to increase the coagulation of the blood. Simultaneously, activity may be reduced. There is an increased probability of formation of clots in the veins of the legs, or sometimes the pelvis, particularly in the morbidly obese patient. A clot which breaks free and floats to the lungs is called a pulmonary embolus, a very dangerous occurrence. Blood thinners are commonly administered before surgery to reduce the probability of this type of complication.

[edit] Hemorrhage

Many blood vessels must be cut in order to divide the stomach and to move the bowel. Any of these may later begin bleeding, either into the abdomen (intra-abdominal hemorrhage), or into the bowel itself (gastrointestinal hemorrhage). Transfusions may be needed, and re-operation is sometimes necessary. Use of blood thinners to prevent venous thromboembolic disease may actually increase the risk of hemorrhage slightly.

[edit] Hernia

A hernia is an abnormal opening, either within the abdomen or through the abdominal wall muscles. An internal hernia may result from surgery and re-arrangement of the bowel, and is a cause of bowel obstruction. An incisional hernia occurs when a surgical incision does not heal well; the muscles of the abdomen separate and allow protrusion of a sac-like membrane, which may contain bowel or other abdominal contents, and which can be painful and unsightly. The risk of abdominal-wall hernia is markedly decreased in laparoscopic surgery.

[edit] Bowel obstruction

Abdominal surgery always results in some scarring of the bowel, called adhesions. A hernia, either internal or through the abdominal wall, may also result. When bowel becomes trapped by adhesions or a hernia, it may become kinked and obstructed, sometimes many years after the original procedure. An operation is usually necessary to correct this problem."

As you can see even if this is your last resort,THIS MAY BE YOUR LAST RESORT.

Gastric Bypass 'is not a cosmetic surgery'

The skinny on weight-loss surgery, Part One

By Kasia Fejklowicz
Gastric bypass graphic stomach
Lisa Armstrong
Weight loss has become a multi-billion dollar industry in America. There are thousands of fitness centers and diet plans that all claim to work. Especially this time of year, many people strive to lose weight for their New Year's resolutions. It is never easy losing even a few pounds, and sometimes we need help from professional nutritionists and even surgeons.
One of the most drastic weight-control measures is a bariatric surgery known as gastric bypass. The surgery, according to the Mayo Clinic, entails a surgeon making a cut across the top of the patient's stomach, sealing it from the rest of the stomach and dramatically reducing the amount of food the person can consume in one sitting.
The human stomach can normally hold "about three pints of food," according to the Mayo Clinic website. With the bypass, the resulting stomach "pouch" can hold "only about an ounce of food."
Obesity is a serious and difficult issue because it can cause heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancers. Nevertheless gastric bypass is not a choice to make lightly, and doctors discourage turning to it as an "easy" alternative to dieting or exercise.
The process to undergo bariatric surgery can take up to six months. Numerous psychiatric and dietician sessions are required. The surgery costs from $18,000 to $35,000. Because of the cost, insurance companies are hesitant to pay for it unless the patient has tried other ways to lose weight.
Like other surgeries, it can result in numerous health complications. With gastric bypass there are short and long- term risks. Anesthesia complications, infections, and bowel obstructions can occur. After the surgery, patients may regain the weight or have psychological issues.
The gastric band—an adjustable system which performs the same function as the surgery, but can be removed—has fewer risks since there are no incisions, but there is a 1 percent chance that a blood clot will form in the legs during surgery.
"My thinking and eating is my problem," said Helen Bolar. She attends gastric bypass information sessions at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Streeterville. Bolar wants to lose at least 75 pounds by undergoing surgery. She is afraid of gastric bypass surgery because of the risks and instead wants to have the gastric band inserted.
The ideal patient for either gastric bypass or the band must have a BMI of 40 or higher. This means that they must be more than 100 pounds overweight.
"Surgery is the easy part...the hard part is not gaining the weight back," said Dr. Alexander Nagle, a doctor at Northwestern who performs gastric bypasses, during an information session. "It is a life-changing commitment to diet and exercise... and will increase life expectancy."
Obesity is a complex issue, and despite numerous debates and studies, there is no consensus as to what "causes" it. Genetics play a huge role in how the body processes food, and certain types of medications such as steroids and antidepressants can also affect the body's metabolism.
Weight gain and obesity have risen over the past few decades because of how Americans consume food.
There are fast food restaurants on every corner. More restaurants offer foods that are higher in sugar and fat. Portion sizes in this country are larger than average as well.
There is also a socioeconomic element to consider. In poor neighborhoods and rural communities, where obesity is more often seen, a lack of affordable food options and grocery stores make it harder to access healthy food. Also, people in these communities don't always have the option to walk or bike to work or school.
Technology is also a contributing factor. Children and adults spend countless hours sitting in front of television or computer screens instead of being active.
A new study published in "Food Quality and Preference," a journal of the Sensometric Society, stated that, "non-food products that are produced to smell like food, such as chocolate or fruit-scented personal care products may increase food intake and lead to obesity."
Other problems are with the traditional "food pyramid" and the USDA guidelines, according Monica Eng, a health writer for the Chicago Tribune.
"Fat has been largely vindicated as a contributor to obesity and yet the USDA [United States Department of Agriculture] is still telling people to drink low fat milk and cut fat in other areas," Eng said. "Anyone who follows the USDA guidelines will probably remain obese until its guidelines catch up to the most recent science."
A dietician can help personalize a diet that does not necessarily follow the food pyramid. Nutrition Counseling Services offers individual diet plans. NCS is just one of many counseling and treatment centers that offer help to Chicagoans.
Students around the nation, including DePaul students are conscious of the risks of overeating and not getting enough exercise.
Victoria Prasil, a junior at DePaul, exercises regularly.
"There are so many people who have health problems and don't do anything proactive to change their health," Prasil said. "I'm fortunate to be healthy and I want to do all I can ensure to stay healthy inside and out."
Gastric bypass and other bariatric surgery may be the best option for a person's health and well-being, but it is a decision to be made with care. Unlike a diet, gastric bypass cannot be stopped or reversed if it does not work out.
"[Bariatric surgery] is not a cosmetic surgery," said Nagle. "It is a major surgery…that is used to prevent and treat medical problems."

Find A Cure For Obesity Close To Your Home

Here is someone who is making a difference in  the quest for finding a cure for obesity! Kaboom is striving to have an  accessible and a, within walking distance, playground for every suburban kid.This is an answer to prayer of parents wanting their children to spend more time outdoors.The new trend being that only a quarter of our kids spend time outdoors!In finding a solution for obesity we will have to consider physical activity.Having a child in the house each and every hour of their free time ,will result in physical and emotional stagnation.This was not so a generation ago.We spent time camping ,fishing, riding our bicycles,etc.Just try and remember the "good old days". This is what our kids need if we want to a cure for obesity.

    Find A Cure For Obesity Close To Your Home!

Fighting Childhood Obesity on All Fronts

"As the leader of KaBOOM!, a non-profit organization committed to helping our kids have fun, be more active, and improve their overall health and well-being, I have been watching Let's Move with great interest since they launched two years ago. I am encouraged by the progress they've made in addressing childhood obesity, and hopeful about what's to come.

With an initial focus on nutrition and healthy eating, they have garnered a commitment from big box stores and small grocers across the country to build or expand 1,500 stores in communities without access to healthy food. They got the world's largest full-service restaurant company to commit to improve their kids menus by offering fruit or vegetables and milk with every meal, as well as reduce total calories and sodium across their menus. With Americans eating out more than ever, this is a big step in the right direction. They also launched My Plate to make it easier for parents to make healthier choices for their families when they are cooking at home.

But nutrition is just one component of a complex recipe needed to reverse the alarming rise in childhood obesity rates and the inclusion of physical activity is critical. Last November during the first convening of the Partnership for a Healthier America, which was created in conjunction with Let's Move, First Lady Michelle Obama made a passionate case for unstructured play:

"Only one-quarter of kids play outside each day - one-quarter of our kids play outside. And that's compared to three-quarters of kids just a generation ago," said Obama. "Back then, kids were constantly in motion. We rarely went more than a few hours without engaging in some kind of heart-pounding, sweat-inducing, active play."

This was a pivotal moment in the two-day summit, with recognition that a balance between diet and exercise is necessary and that play is an effective form of physical activity.

Let's Move! has worked with mayors and community groups to build or adopt playgrounds so kids have safe places to play and be active. With a 29 percent increase of childhood obesity in neighborhoods without a park or playground, this is an effort that should be applauded beyond KaBOOM!, whose vision is a great place to play within walking distance of every child in America.

Given that the biggest rise in childhood obesity rates are occurring in children ages 3 to 5 years, we must modify our efforts to place an emphasis on prevention versus intervention. By providing our young children with opportunities for free, child-directed play, along with proper nutrition, we are setting them up for a lifetime of healthy habits, versus interventions needed later in life.

Through Let's Move, the Partnership for Healthier America and the leadership of the First Lady, individuals, corporations, non-profit organizations and governments are coming together for the first time with a shared vision: healthier children. But we must do more and we must do it faster.

A cultural shift is needed to incorporate exercise into our children's daily lives. The same pressure that has been placed on those in positions of power to promote and empower healthy eating must be applied to support play and physical activity. This does not mean slowing down efforts to give every community the ability to make healthy food choices, but embracing the balance between healthy eating and exercise.

We must make sure that there is recess and P.E. class in every school, getting kids outside for 60 minutes, every day. Our communities need to be designed and built with sidewalks, parks and playgrounds. And we must be innovative with our policy, using mechanisms like joint use agreements to make sure that school gymnasiums, athletic fields and playgrounds are open after hours for the entire community's use.

If the accomplishments that have been made on the nutrition front are an example of what can be done, I am hopeful we can see similar results with physical activity and reverse the trend of childhood obesity for the next generation."

A Cure For Obesity Starts At Home.

Surely a cure for obesity must start with parents being more involved with what their kids eat! This article is about stopping the obesity crisis,where it starts: at home.If you or your child is obese,you know about the pain and rejection that goes with the size of your body.The anti- obesity ads are NOT working if a whopping 40% of children in Georgia are obese.This is not only a crisis but an epidemic!

Georgia's child obesity ads aim to create movement out of controversy

By Emanuella Grinberg, CNN
February 7, 2012 -- Updated 1308 GMT (2108 HKT)

Editor's note: This is the first story in a series exploring the various issues surrounding childhood obesity leading up to our iReport interview with first lady Michelle Obama. Do you have questions for the first lady? Today's the last day to submit them via iReport.
(CNN) -- It started with the denial of a growing health crisis.
Nearly 40% of Georgia's children are overweight or obese -- the second-highest rate in the nation -- yet 50% of Georgians don't consider child obesity a problem. What's more, 75% of parents of obese children don't think they have a problem on their hands, according to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, the state's largest pediatric health care system.
In response, Children's Healthcare crafted an ad campaign intended to highlight the roles of parents and caregivers in the widening epidemic.
The posters and TV spots of obese children with doleful eyes were as stark as their accompanying messages: "Being fat takes the fun out of being a kid," and "It's hard to be a little girl if you're not," to name a few.
"We felt that because there was so much denial that we needed to make people aware that this is a medical crisis," Chief Administrative Officer Linda Matzigkeit said.
"We knew flowery ads don't get people's attention. We wanted to come up with something arresting and hard-hitting to grab people."
The buzz began almost as soon as the ads started appearing in September on billboards, buses and train platforms around Atlanta. Critics felt images from the Strong4Life campaign were too negative and perpetuated weight-based stereotypes without providing concrete solutions.
"There seems to be this perception that it's OK to shame children and families struggling with obesity because that will provide an incentive to lose weight," said Rebecca Puhl, director of research and weight stigma initiatives at the Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity at Yale University.
"However, research in weight bias shows that when individuals feel shamed or stigmatized because of weight they're actually more likely to engage in behaviors that reinforce obesity: unhealthy eating, avoidance of physical activity, increased caloric intake."
The TV spots stopped airing in Georgia in October and most of the billboards have come down. But conversations around the campaign continued online and in media coverage worldwide, raising debate over what makes an ad effective when it comes to combating obesity.
Mommy bloggers take on anti-obesity ads
As far as Children's Healthcare is concerned, the fact that the ads sparked debate means they achieved their goal, regardless of the reaction.
"Our intention was to get people talking about childhood obesity and we did that. We can't do this alone; it's going to take a whole community of physicians, parents and caregivers to solve the problem," Matzigkeit said.
"If parents continue to be in denial we're not going to get past this crisis."
It's a crisis that has been fostered by a culture of convenience: fast food, calorie-dense meals and car-centric cities slowly building up to national obesity rates of 33.8% among adults and 17% in children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Stormy Bradley realizes now that she was one of those parents who didn't recognize her daughter had a real problem. "It's just a phase; she'll grow out of it," she told herself.
"I think I should've been more proactive earlier on," the Atlanta mother said. "I just didn't want to have a conversation that would upset her or put a rift between us, also because I knew that would mean me having to face my own issues with weight."
Then, Bradley saw an ad on Facebook in February 2011 looking for overweight children. She asked her 13-year-old daughter, Maya Walters, if she was interested and at the audition, the two learned about the substance of the ads.
They also heard about the potential backlash they could face if she accepted the part.
"I was a little bit hesitant but then when I thought about it, I was like well it'll be a good message to other kids like me," Maya said. What's the message? "Being overweight is a problem, but you're not the only one dealing with it," she said.
Feedback from her peers has been positive, she said -- most were surprised to see her on TV and billboards. She also became involved in the media blitz defending the ads, appearing on local news and the Today Show.
Through the experience, Maya and her mother were offered the chance to utilize the hospital's Health4Life clinic, where she developed small changes to her daily routine through consultations with doctors, psychologists, nutritionists and exercise physiologists. And, she's sticking with it, she and mother attested.
Fruits are surprisingly filling, she said. She can't remember the last time she drank soda after giving up sugary beverages for water and the occasional packet of sugar-free drink mix. She typically exercises at least 30 minutes a day, either by walking the dog with her mom or going to the park or playing on the Wii her younger brother.
By the time school began last fall, she was ready to try out for the cheerleading squad and made it, which means two training sessions a week along with two to three games.
"The smaller things definitely make a change," she said in a phone interview Sunday as she and her mother drove to a "Black Girls Run" event in Lithonia, Georgia.
"It's very hilly in my neighborhood but now when I walk the dog I don't get as tired. With cheerleading, we have to run a mile at least. And before I couldn't do the whole thing but now I can."
Maya came to the campaign as a paid model, but the hospital considers her an example of how Strong4Life helps children set goals for a healthy lifestyle, complete with videos documenting their journeys.
She's not the only one, according to the hospital. The Health4Life Clinic had 350 patient visits in 2010 and nearly 600 patient visits in 2011, with physicians treating more than 100 children with fatty liver disease and/or cirrhosis, conditions that are rarely seen among children who are not overweight.
The multi-disciplinary approach is widely regarded as an effective tool in helping families make small changes in their daily routine. But among critics, those tools were buried far too deep within the initial ad campaign.
"The stark settings, their forlorn looks and body language convey an image of kids who are alone and don't have the support of the community. They teach us that we should feel sorry for fat kids and that it's normal to tease and abuse them," said Amy Farrell, author of "Fat Shame: Stigma of Fat."
"The approach should be to try to change those ideas with positive messages that encourage kids, parents and the community to get involved in encouraging kids to be active and eat well," said Farrell, a professor of American studies and Women's & Gender Studies at Dickinson College.
In recent weeks, critics of Strong4Life's ads have compared them to a new campaign encouraging New Yorkers to cut their portion sizes. The Health Department's posters also employ austere black-and-white scenes of obese people, but the messaging is more direct.
One poster shows a man with his leg amputated below his knee, crutches leaning against the wall, with the message "Portions Have Grown: So Has Type 2 Diabetes, Which Can Lead to Amputations."
Still, the poster is generating controversy for a different reason, after the New York Times revealed that the image had been digitally altered to remove the man's leg.
"This issue isn't about one actor, but rather the 700,000 New Yorkers who struggle with diabetes, which kills 1,700 people a year and causes amputations in another 3,000," Health Department spokesman John Kelly said in a statement to the paper. "Advertising to warn the public about health concerns saves lives, and we will continue our efforts to warn New Yorkers about diabetes."
The hard-hitting tone of Children's Healthcare's ads were inspired by Georgia METH Project's "Not Even Once" campaign, along with other state-led campaigns against smoking and drug abuse, which tend to pair a minimalist aesthetic with brutal, straightforward wording.
With smoking and drug abuse, the main targets of public health initiatives are users. But campaigns to combat obesity, especially childhood obesity, set their sights on those struggling with their weight, caregivers and the community -- essentially, society at large.
"The target is everyone, whether they're fat or not, that somehow we should all be taking responsibility for what's perceived as an epidemic," said Farrell.
"The stigma itself needs to be addressed itself because until we do that, why would a fat child want to go out on the playground and be teased? We want to create an environment where people are not treated so poorly because of their bodies that they'll want go out and enjoy physical movement."
It's a sentiment that representatives from Children's Healthcare agree with, one that they say moves the discussion beyond an ad campaign to a movement that fosters healthier lifestyles. That means training pediatricians and health care providers on how to talk about obesity with families; it means giving families the tools to start making steps toward positive change.
"If you look at steps it takes to initiate long-term change, the first thing you need is to be aware that there's a problem and then you need the intent to change," said Dr. Mark Wulkan, the hospital's chief surgeon and professor-in-chief of pediatric surgery at Emory Hospital in Atlanta.
"The first phase of the ad campaign was about raising awareness and generating the intent to change. Now, it's becoming a movement, where we move on to changing the culture that has created this epidemic."

Watching these ads really breaks my heart .There is a person in this ad who hurts really badly. I call on all parents to take the obesity crisis to heart. Feel for these children and adults who are obese.Don't just look away .Become involved and do something.

What can I do to help with the obesity crisis you may ask. If you can relate better to adults than children, start a cooking club for obese people with demo's on healthy food choices. Involve every one and make a challenge for every member to demonstrate their healthy recipe of the week. Start a "walk for health " program twice a week.Let your imagination go!

If you love children ,go to your local school and volunteer you services.The following is a definite a problem: Both parents work and there is no one home when the child gets there.

Take the responsibility to either take care of children for a small fee(this includes a healthy meal),or get involved in extra mural activities where they will not be shamed because of their size (every body is in the same obese  boat so to speak).Of course there will be some more detail involved, like getting the parents and children to agree on a plan of  action, but you have to start some where!